
NQLMS won a tender in 2014 to undertake the rehabilitation of a decommissioned powerline easement and conduct ongoing environmental maintenance of new easements. The easements were from Kareeya power station at Tully Gorge through to Tully and Tully through to Cardwell range. Our two main tasks were revegetation and spray & release (spraying weeds and releasing native plants). We were also engaged to conduct monitoring of the results after three years of operations.

Outputs included.

  •         Planting 10000 native seedlings
  •         Spray & releasing 20 hectares stretching over 100 kilometres.

This project was a great success with canopy cover achieved in 18 months and vast areas re-establishing with native plants once the exotic weeds were removed.

A large percentage of sites to be restored fell within World heritage Rainforest footprints. Our best practice and proven careful implementations within these zones highlights our great skills in the NRM sector.

 Given NQLMS’s successful implementation of the above contract, we were engaged to rehabilitate a decommissioned communications site within World Heritage rainforests near Koomboolomba dam near Ravenshoe. This site is now fully restored and was completed in 2020.